Saturday, 6 August 2016

What I've Been Up To

Blimey, I can't believe we are well over half way through this year and July seemed to fly past so fast that I barely had time to catch my breath. Mind you, it was a busier month that normal for me after a few lows the month before so I was probably making up for things. We lost a close member of our family and even though she had been ill for some time it still came as a shock and my way to deal with grief is to shut myself away from the rest of the world. I suppose we all deal with these things differently. Ruth was a cheeky, fun loving lady who was always the life and sole of the party and I'll always remember the good times we spent together most Wednesdays. I know she would want me to make the most of everyday and do whatever made me happy. I can hear her now saying "Stop worrying about it and just get on with it!"
You see, she knew me well as I'm a natural worrier. It's all too easy for me to think of reasons why not to do something, rather than hey, give it a go and if it fails then at least I've tried.
One of the things I've wanted to do for a while is introduce a few more lifestyle posts, but my blog mainly covers fashion and beauty so I just kept putting it off. I think the last post I wrote about what I've been up to was in the New Year. I thought it would be a nice way to look back on what I have done but somehow I've found it hard to sit at my computer and let the words flow in an "On Line Diary" kind of way.
So I'm going to stop worrying and just get on with it!

Jordans Mill

Jordan's Mill has to be one of my favourite local places to visit. Adrian and I love to go for a long walk by the river next to the mill and around the beautiful flower gardens. They also have a wonderful restaurant which not only sells teas, coffees and cakes but also a full Sunday roast dinner and the most amazing porridge and fruit for breakfast. Adrian and I had gone over to meet up with my friend Tori, who I'd not seen since April. Adrian went off for a walk on his own to take some photographs by the river. I think he actually quite enjoyed the peace and quiet plus it gave Tori and I some girl time to have a really good catch up! I did have to try out the homemade scones with jam and cream as we sat on the balcony over looking the gardens.

After Tori had left, Adrian and I went for a short walk. It turned into a boiling hot day and I'd forgotten to take my sunglasses so I borrowed his hat! I'd not worn anything special, just a sleeveless shirt, a pair of casual flat shoes and a pair of jeans. I'd hardly worn any makeup, not really done anything much with my hair apart from brush it, but do you know what? I felt really comfortable and so relaxed that I wasn't bothered about what I looked like.

Family Time
I've loved spending Sundays at my Aunts house in small village in Bedforshire where a lot of the family come together and we'll all sit round the table to an amazing meal she's cooked, usually followed by a choice of 3 homemade desserts and, me being me, I have to try a little bit of each just in case one was more delicious than the other! After dinner we'd end playing some sort of game and all be in a fit of giggles or just chatting about what's been happening in our lives. With recent events it's made me cherish every moment I spend with Adrian and my family even more.

French Market
Every Saturday, Hitchin market has something different on in the main market square. My friend Angela and I had popped into town to do some shopping and this particular week it was The French Market. Each stall was selling a different type of food or craft, so we started at one end and worked our way round sampling food and drink along the way! Ha ha, well, it had to be done, didn't it? We didn't need any lunch after that but we did come home with a few treats. There were also musicians and street artists performing which was great fun to watch.   

The Garden
We had to make the most of the gorgeous weather so for a few nights Adrian and I sat outside in the garden during the evening to have our main meal and a few glasses of wine. It was really nice to just relax and enjoy each others company. Our garden is a T shape with the top part being completely hidden from view by trees and high hedges, the only way to get to it is through a wooden arch covered in climbing roses and some years ago our friends named it "The Secret Garden" and it kind of stuck. There were some mornings when it was so hot and stuffy indoors that we even had our breakfast outside, with me still in my pyjamas which I'm sure looked very odd. I'm not the only who does this am I?

Not Being Well
There were a few days when I really wasn't feeling well at all after quite a bad seizure and was in bed most of the time. I really didn't feel like doing much at all, not even chatting to anyone on Twitter, which I really missed, so I spent the whole time in my pjs, wrapped up in a duvet and watched Disney films and episodes of Friends that I've seen a million times before. Adrian made me a hot chocolate in my favourite mug and made me my favourite vegetable soup (not both at the same time!) and I was able to get some much needed rest.

Blogging Related
I've been so overwhelmed with all the support I've received from people taking the time out of their day to read, share, like or comment on my posts and it's made me so happy that another person has actually enjoyed reading my blog. Through that support I'd reached one of my blogging goals of 1500 followers on Twitter, which is something a few months ago I'd never imagined would happen. So thank you.
I've really enjoyed taking part in Twitter Chats, which is an on line chat where everyone (usually Bloggers) comes together at the same time using the same hashtag and is hosted by one person. One of my favourites is The Girl Gang (#TheGirlGang) which is at 6pm (UK time) on a Monday, it's a really fun chat to take part in and such a positive environment for bloggers.  
There are many other chats that I also enjoy taking part in, but maybe this requires a separate post!

Anyway, I think it's time I went and got myself a cup of tea and put my pjs on, I can assure you, I don't live in them but they really are the most comfortable things to wear.

Thanks for reading. Let me know if you'd like to see more of this style of post. What have you been up to during the hot weather?

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